Contribute to the Ministry
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all people.
1 Corinthians 12.4
1 Corinthians 12.4
Please get involved
If you would like to help in our church in any way - with music ministry, church services, Mainly Music pre-school program, cleaning, in the office, in Busy Bee, on the flower roster, with the Guild, pastoral care, RE in schools, with the working bees, Mothers' Union, helping with something new or by offering your gifts and talents in any other way, please talk to Rev'd Alphonse Garimae or Rev'd Christine Grimwade, and they will direct you to the relevant people.
A church is nothing without its people and their contributions. Help us become something great! |
If you would like to contribute financially
Offerings of cash are accepted at all services, but as more people preferring not to use cash you can make your offering to this ministry in the parish of the Atherton Tablelands by direct debit. This might be a one-off donation or a weekly gift. For account details see the pew sheet or signs in the churches by the offertory plates. For offertory envelops please contact the David Rockley 04 1832 0489.
Your information and giving will always be kept private and confidential.
Your information and giving will always be kept private and confidential.
Contribute in other little ways
Mothers Union are asking everyone to bring in their received, used, postage stamps for collection at your church. This is a fundraising program run for benefit of our members in other countries.
Mainly Music is looking for help with morning tea cooking - biscuits, slices, cakes, cut fruit, etc. To help call Ailsa, 4091 2462
Mainly Music is looking for help with morning tea cooking - biscuits, slices, cakes, cut fruit, etc. To help call Ailsa, 4091 2462
Contribute in another major way
Pray. This parish needs your prayers. This is no small ministry. It is vital.
If you would like to meet with others to contribute in this way and pray for the parish, or simply move deeper into prayer, please let Carolyn know 04 0024 4457.
If you would like to be on the parish prayer chain - to pray or be prayed for - please contact Margaret May .
If you would like to meet with others to contribute in this way and pray for the parish, or simply move deeper into prayer, please let Carolyn know 04 0024 4457.
If you would like to be on the parish prayer chain - to pray or be prayed for - please contact Margaret May .
Contribute to the web page
This is a parish website and as such we would like parishioners to use it and to contribute to it.
If you have a parish event coming up please let us know about it so we can publish the details here.
If you are gifted in photography and can improve the pages with your photos please forward them to be use where appropriate. ( Remember that written permission must be given to publish pictures of anyone.)
If you are given to thoughtful poetry or writing, it may be suitable for the thoughts page.
Perhaps there is a note of interest or answer to prayer that you would like to share.
If so please submit your contributions to the web site editor for consideration and discernment.
e-mailing them to [email protected].
If you have a parish event coming up please let us know about it so we can publish the details here.
If you are gifted in photography and can improve the pages with your photos please forward them to be use where appropriate. ( Remember that written permission must be given to publish pictures of anyone.)
If you are given to thoughtful poetry or writing, it may be suitable for the thoughts page.
Perhaps there is a note of interest or answer to prayer that you would like to share.
If so please submit your contributions to the web site editor for consideration and discernment.
e-mailing them to [email protected].