If you have any prayer requests you would like added to this page, or the pew sheet, or for the prayer chain, a private request for private prayer, or a need to pray with someone else? Please contact [email protected], 04 0024 4457
If you are requesting on someone else's behalf please check that you have their permission to make this request public.
If you are requesting on someone else's behalf please check that you have their permission to make this request public.
Help with praying
If you would like to improve your prayer times, or if you want someone to bounce your faith questions around with, or if you simply want to know God more, then you may be interested in Spiritual Direction.
Spiritual Direction is a monthly, one-hour, professional meeting with a trained Spiritual Director, for the purpose of: -
learning to love God more; improving your prayer life; finding God in your worlds, challenges and events; becoming more aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence; abiding more in Christ; listening to your soul; seeing Christ in others and in everything; growing and supporting your ministry and calling; reaching a deeper faith, truth, love and wisdom; becoming more whole, healed and human.
Spiritual direction is not :
Counselling; Pastoral care; Psychology or psychotherapy; Problem based; Advice on what God wants you to do; Religious study; Doctrine; Proselytizing; or Mentoring.
If you are interested in Spiritual Direction or would simply like more information about it, please call or e-mail Carolyn 04 0024 4456, [email protected]
Spiritual Direction is a monthly, one-hour, professional meeting with a trained Spiritual Director, for the purpose of: -
learning to love God more; improving your prayer life; finding God in your worlds, challenges and events; becoming more aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence; abiding more in Christ; listening to your soul; seeing Christ in others and in everything; growing and supporting your ministry and calling; reaching a deeper faith, truth, love and wisdom; becoming more whole, healed and human.
Spiritual direction is not :
Counselling; Pastoral care; Psychology or psychotherapy; Problem based; Advice on what God wants you to do; Religious study; Doctrine; Proselytizing; or Mentoring.
If you are interested in Spiritual Direction or would simply like more information about it, please call or e-mail Carolyn 04 0024 4456, [email protected]
Pray for the Family Ministry
We are planning to start a new gathering next year aimed at providing quality family time with a Christian theme. A bit like Sunday School and Kid's club, but for parents as well! Prayer, Praise and Nonsense, needs your prayers to become a reality. If you have thoughts, ideas or are simply interested in the possibility, please contact Carolyn.