Contemplative Practices Starting 26th January at St Matthew's Malanda. at 4.00pm. This first session we look at the basics of contemplation, as we ponder what it means to you to be Australian. Bible Study Anne Hoyal is hosting a bible study in Yungaburra each Thursday. All welcome. 4.30 pm
Ladies Guild Next meeting will be on 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9.30am at St Mary's Atherton following 9.00am Eucharist. New members welcome.
Mothers Union Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 9.30am at St Mary's Atherton following 9am Eucharist.
Spiritual Direction/Companioning Private conversation from a soul perspective with the purpose of deepening your relationship with God. If this sounds like something you would like to do, please contact Carolyn. 04 0024 4457 [email protected]
Wednesday Eucharist Service A said Eucharist service will be held at St Mary's at 9am on Wednesday mornings. Carinya Service Rev'd Christine asks if anyone would like to come along to the Carinya aged care home service on the 1st Thursday of every month at 3pm to assist with the service or add support. Please also let her know if there are any parishioners now residing there so that she can visit them. 04 1875 4192
Food Donations St Mary's Guild are gathering non-perishable food items to donate to the Salvation Army to help aid the destitute in the area. There is a box in the foyer of St Mary's is for any donations.
Op-shop requests Volunteers are needed for the op-shops, please talk to Judy or Anne if you are interested in helping. Donations of Good Quality pre-loved items are also needed and can be dropped into either store.
Mothers Union are asking everyone to bring in their received, used, postage stamps for collection at your church. This is a fundraising program run for benefit of our members in other countries. Stamps to Marcia Hyde.